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The meaning of and benefits of chanting om | Inessentia mindfulness and yoga

Om is a powerful vibration that exists at the core of all things. It is believed to be an ancient Sanskrit mantra composed of three syllables, A-U-M, that represent the trinity of creation—the union between body, mind, and spirit. But the meaning of om goes much deeper than that. Let's explore what om means and how chanting it can benefit us.

The Meaning Behind Om

Om is more than just a sound; it has a profound spiritual significance when chanted or meditated upon. To Hindus and yogis alike, om symbolizes unity and oneness with the divine energy in the universe. It reflects a sense of connection between all living beings and everything we see in our physical world. In this way, om represents the highest form of truth, beyond religious boundaries and doctrines. Chanting or meditating on om brings us closer to our true selves as well as our higher power.

When phonetically chanting om, it should be done slowly and intentionally as you focus your attention on each syllable—A-U-M—and its corresponding spiritual meaning. The “A” stands for creation (Brahma), the “U” stands for preservation (Vishnu), and the “M” stands for destruction (Shiva). Together they represent a complete cycle from birth to death and rebirth again in an endless cycle of change where nothing ever really dies completely; it only transforms into something else.

Benefits Of Chanting Om

By entering into a state of meditation while chanting oms, we are able to align ourselves more deeply with nature’s rhythms and energies as well as with our own personal truth—allowing us to open up to greater joys in life while being filled with peace, love, tranquillity, compassion, understanding, and patience. As we allow ourselves to connect deeply within during meditation, we can become clear about what truly matters most in life. Chanting oms also helps us practice mindfulness so that even when we are not meditating or chanting oms consciously throughout our day, we can still remember those feelings of blissful union so that they can guide us throughout daily life from moment to moment.

Chanting oms allows us access to an inner space within ourselves where peace resides amidst chaos if we let it take hold over our mindsets. With an attitude of reverence for both self and others, spend some time exploring what om means for you personally so that you may reap its full benefits. When chanted properly, these three sacred syllables will resonate through your body like a soothing wave leaving you feeling connected, centred, grounded, inspired, energized, focused and uplifted. So find yourself a quiet place today & give yourself permission to chant out loud AUM ! Namaste!

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