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How yoga can support you through retirement | Inessentia mindfulness and yoga

Yoga is a great way to stay healthy and vital during your retirement years. Learn how the practice of yoga can help keep you calm and centred.

Retirement is a time to recreate and enhance the quality of life. After years of juggling work, family obligations, and other responsibilities there's finally time to focus on yourself. Working in such a hectic pace can cause stress and exhaustion but yoga provides an effective way to maintain balance in both body and mind as you enter our golden years. Having been around for centuries, yoga remains one of the most popular strategies for staying healthy and vibrant during retirement age. Through its combination of physical exercises, emotional awareness, spiritual development - yoga has lasting benefits for your well-being! Learn why spending time on your mat regularly keeps you agile at any stage of life.

Yoga can be a great aid to help people transition into retirement, both emotionally and physically. On an emotional level, it can provide the space for us to process our feelings of loss, grief, and change that come with leaving our job. It is common for people to feel that their identity is largely connected with their job or career; when this ends abruptly, we can struggle to re-establish who we are in the world without it. Yoga gives us the opportunity to turn inward and really listen to ourselves; as we practice, we begin to identify and accept our feelings of sadness and loss, while also recognizing our strength in being able to move through them. In yoga, there are no shortcuts – but if we show up on the mat day after day, eventually new perspectives will emerge and our sense of self will become clearer. Gradually, we learn how to embrace our true identity apart from what a job label might represent.

Moreover, yoga offers tremendous physical benefits that can be particularly beneficial during times of transition such as retirement. Practices like sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) are designed specifically to circulate energy throughout the body while also providing a gentle physical workout; other poses such as forward bends work deeply into the hips while encouraging shoulder mobility and improved posture. Research has shown that regular yoga practice can increase flexibility and strength while reducing stress levels. Furthermore, yoga helps keep us vibrant and healthy at any stage of life by building connection between breath and movement; when done mindfully it allows us to reconnect with ourselves on a deeper level which brings positive energy back into our lives.

It is never too late to start a yoga practice whether someone has done it before or not; whether you choose an online class or attend one in person, there is always something new you can learn about yourself each time you come onto your mat. It’s important not to get caught up in goals or expectations; instead focus on listening carefully to your body during each pose so you know when you need more support or less intensity. Through a consistent practice over time, you may just find yourself discovering parts of yourself that were hidden away due its relationship with your previous career - paving way for a smoother journey through retirement.

Inessentia provides mindfulness and yoga retreats that are open to all (must be over 18 years of age).

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